Author: Amirition
How to get Empadron in Spain
Recently, I came to Spain with the Digital Nomad visa and this visa allows you stay and work in Spain for a company outside of this country. I’m sure that a lot of you have heard about the frustrating bureaucracy in Spain. You need a cita (appointment) for everything and you need to prepare a…
Remote development with Amazon EC2 and VSCode
Several months ago, I needed to generate tests for one of my plugins, which required setting up WordPress environments using Docker. We all know that Docker instances consume significant CPU and RAM. Despite having sufficient resources on paper, when I ran the tests, my entire system nearly froze and I wasn’t able to do any…
Create a WordPress website for test and development
Whether you are a developer or you are a normal user of WordPress, you will need to create a development or test WordPress website for your work. These websites can be really good for testing new features, debugging issues on your code or simply trying new things. Please remember that these options might not be…
Find the exact commit that has issue
Yesterday I was working on a repository and I have made more than 30 commits on working branch. On my tests, I encountered an issue and after a quick look, I couldn’t find the commit with the issue. My first option would be to use a debugger but I was going to see in which…
WordPress blueprint file and creating a preview for your plugin
If you’re a plugin developer, you might have thought about adding a preview for your plugin in the repository. A preview feature is already available for the themes but plugin developers have not been able to show a demo of their plugin in the repository. In most of the cases, you had to go to…